Friday, April 12, 2013


These are the terms for the semester:
Mythos: Story
Mythology: The precedent behind all actions
In Ilo Tempore: In the great time.
Logos:The word. Truth, reason, and reality.
Anabasis: Ascending and descending
The Mythic Journey: Separation, initiation, return.
Psyche: Means Soul. (Was Cupid's girlfriend who was beautiful)
Sparagnos: Tear, pull to pieces or mangling.
Fairy Tale:Deteriorated myth
Axis Mundi: The center or connection between heaven and Earth. Celestial pole/geographic poles that expresses a point of connection between sky and earth where the 4 compass directions meet.
Etiological myths:Explains specific features in religions.
Apocalypse: The end. The lifting of the veil.
Eschatology: Concerns about last acts. The final events of end days.
Drominom: The Greek word for things being done.
Ritual:A set of actions performed for their symbolic value.
Mace Sacre: To make sacred or sacrifice.
Creation Myths: Ex Ni Halo: the creation out of nothingness. Earth Diver: Pulling life out of water. Division of a Primordial entity: The split between Heaven and Earth. Dismemberment of a Primordial entity: When life is made for the death of a god like entity.
Dytherambos:  Double doors, music. Associated with the god Baucus.
Caduseus: The medical symbol with a snake intertwined upon an oak staff.
Apotheosis: Glorification of a subject to a divine level.
Ouroboros: A snake biting its own tail. No beginning and no end.

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