Monday, April 22, 2013


I don't believe in coincidences. I believe that random things don't just happen in life. But I guess something that would be a coincidence is the constant presence of someone in my life. I first heard about this girl Ali from my brother's friend who is like a third brother to me. He told me about how much he loved this girl. I rushed this fall and ended up in the same sorority that this girl had been a part of. I didn't really think anything of it and time moved on. Soon however, we were assigned who our big sisters would be. (Bigs are there to be mentors to you and help you adapt to greek life.) When you get a big, you are welcomed into their family. (This structure is formed by who my bigs big was, etc) It wasn't until much later until I found out that Ali had actually been my great great aunt in the family. Again pretty weird that this person who I have never met personally was actually starting to be a part of my day to day life. I guess it is just something I am aware of that I probably would not have been if it hadn't been for my pretty much brother. Still I think it is ironic that this one person that I had known of out of hundreds of girls that have lived in my sorority is the one who is constantly there without being there physically. Well today I just had to laugh. Our seniors who are graduating were giving away some of there things to the rest of us. One of my sisters approached me handing me this really funny but cute blue short princess costume. She told me that it was a family heirloom. Apparently this dress had belonged to Ali and she had actually worn it to one of our formals/themed functions. It is something that I can't really grasp. This cannot be coincidence there has to be something behind it all. Some would call it fate. I just found it really funny that so many events have happened and this one girl that I have never even met is apart of so much in my life. It just seems like one of the fates would be behind this or something I don't know.

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