Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Final Thoughts

When I first came to this class, I really did not know what to expect. I was thinking weekly quizzes on assigned readings. I didn't think that I would enjoy this class as much as I've had. I think I have leaned more about mythology in the way that this class has been structured then I would have sitting in a boring lecture class regurgitating information. In this course we as a class experienced the class and actually enjoyed it. I am going into the field of education and one of the things that I have learned is that one of the best motivators is to appeal to what students are interested in, which this course did a great job at. I am going to miss having this class but I am thankful I was able to take this class.

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

The parallels between the movie Taken and the abduction of Europa.

I love the movie Taken. (Not Taken 2 because that was a terrible movie.) I was watching it the other day and I realized, the plot behind it is a lot like the abduction of Europa. Taken starts off with a (naive) girl who believes nothing bad can happen to her as she and her friend go to Paris. There they meet a handsome stranger (the equivalence to the bull in my mind) who has them abducted so that he can satiate his own desire. (Money in this case instead of rape). While this happens, her father hears what happens and swears he will rescue her. He is pretty much the biggest B.A. around and so he can do just this. (Just like how Europa's brother Cadmus goes after her when Zeus abducts them). Both characters brought a lot of destruction in their wake. It is after this that the stories differ. Cadmus at a point decides to stop hunting his lost sister (probably due to the fact he did not want to take on Zeus) and because of this could never return home. Brian (the father in Taken) does not give up his search for his daughter and so when he finds her, he kills the man who bought her (a wealthy shiek who could be considered Zeus' counterpart) and returns home with his daughter. I think Taken shows what could have been if Cadmus has stayed true to his search for his sister instead of abandoning her to her captor Zeus. (Of course in the Greek version she didn't mind Zeus). I think the change in the ending can also be attributed to modernization. What person wants to see a loved one give up on finding a damzel in distress? You don't just let things happen like that in a movie because the audience will get mad at you. It makes for a much more touching ending to have the dad save his daughter rather than the brother leaving his sister to find his own glory. Which goes to show again that Ovid's works can be messed up. (of course they may be more realistic in the sense that most family members would not risk their lives even for a loved one. People are more selfish than that).

Monday, April 22, 2013


I don't believe in coincidences. I believe that random things don't just happen in life. But I guess something that would be a coincidence is the constant presence of someone in my life. I first heard about this girl Ali from my brother's friend who is like a third brother to me. He told me about how much he loved this girl. I rushed this fall and ended up in the same sorority that this girl had been a part of. I didn't really think anything of it and time moved on. Soon however, we were assigned who our big sisters would be. (Bigs are there to be mentors to you and help you adapt to greek life.) When you get a big, you are welcomed into their family. (This structure is formed by who my bigs big was, etc) It wasn't until much later until I found out that Ali had actually been my great great aunt in the family. Again pretty weird that this person who I have never met personally was actually starting to be a part of my day to day life. I guess it is just something I am aware of that I probably would not have been if it hadn't been for my pretty much brother. Still I think it is ironic that this one person that I had known of out of hundreds of girls that have lived in my sorority is the one who is constantly there without being there physically. Well today I just had to laugh. Our seniors who are graduating were giving away some of there things to the rest of us. One of my sisters approached me handing me this really funny but cute blue short princess costume. She told me that it was a family heirloom. Apparently this dress had belonged to Ali and she had actually worn it to one of our formals/themed functions. It is something that I can't really grasp. This cannot be coincidence there has to be something behind it all. Some would call it fate. I just found it really funny that so many events have happened and this one girl that I have never even met is apart of so much in my life. It just seems like one of the fates would be behind this or something I don't know.

Term Paper

My Life as a Mythic Detective
I am not the most observant person. Growing up my brothers would always tease me saying that I wouldn’t last long in a city because of this fact. So when I was assigned to be a mythic detective, let’s just say I was a little nervous. I have done my best to observe the world around me and to make connections to the different mythologies. Let me tell you, life is much stranger than fiction. My brother Steve came home this Christmas after a very long and arduous busy season. (He is an accountant in San Francisco). He is an avid snow boarder and loves to do all kinds of tricks and jumps off of cliffs. Before Steve left to go to the Yellowstone club (the day after Christmas) to go snowboarding with his friends my mom told Steve to be careful, he just brushed it off. At the Yellowstone club Steve and his friends decided to race on all of the groomers when they weren’t doing tricks. Well there was a ditch that was covered in snow down one of the groomers, and Steve being a little arrogant in his abilities was cutting in and out of the trail, so he didn’t even realize he hit a ditch until it was too late. Steven admitted to me that his next action was out of pure arrogance. When the ditch launched him into the air, he tried to land the jump on an upslope rather than just let himself biff it. When he did this his mouth jammed into his knee and screwed up his leg and destroyed his teeth. He was blessed because when he did this, his teeth jammed upward and a fraction more and he would have died. Instead, he is just missing his two front teeth and is ego is a little bruised. But during this entire thing Steve was still his smiley happy self and acted like nothing happened. All he could say, is this real life? Looking back now, Steve was a bit like Icarus. He was warned by my mother to take caution but he shrugged it off thinking he was too good to get hurt. He then proceeded to goof off and not take heed of her warning and then got in a life threatening situation. All of this because of arrogance.
Life is stranger than fiction. I have a friend who I grew up with. She is gorgeous, but she doesn’t want anything to do with men. She sees no use for them, and that women can do without them. Well every guy who comes into contact with her pretty much falls in love with her. It is the craziest thing. I mean things that happen in the movies or bad teen television shouldn’t be able to happen in real life right? Well it happens to her all the time. Who needs to watch bad chick flicks when you can watch her interactions with men. To be honest, she reminds me of Daphne from Daphne and Apollo. She is beautiful but she doesn’t want a guy, and yet men don’t get that and so they fall over themselves chasing after her, and really it just pushes her away from men. I would go more into detail but I don’t exactly have her permission to talk about her love life. All I can say is twilight has nothing on her life.
My mother is the most intelligent woman I know. She had her masters in speech pathology and she was great at her job. She stopped when she had kids because she wanted to be a stay at home mom and she was the best mom a girl could ask for. Well things happened in my personal family life that I don’t exactly like sharing, but to sum it up my dad was a very bad person, stole over $750,000 from my mom and her family, and abandoned us.  When my mom went to go back to work, she found out that my dad stopped paying for her certification. (He was in charge of the finances). So she couldn’t use her masters s she had to get a job that she is overqualified for. She now works up at the hospital as a receptionist at one of the offices. She has so many stories and all I can say is people are insane. People will treat my mom as if she doesn’t have a brain in her head because she is just some receptionist. Well one day my mom had it. One of her coworkers is just someone who isn’t happy in life so she takes pleasure in hurting other people. I would say that Ovid would agree when I say she is a villain. Well one day she was talking to a patient about hearing aids in front of my mom (and at the same time being condescending to my mom acting as if she knew nothing) and the lady said something that was completely wrong. My mom had had it up to here with everything and finally she couldn’t take it anymore. She showed up her coworker and corrected her in front of the patient and one of the doctors. Well she gained a lot more respect in the office and most people don’t look down at her for being a receptionist, but the coworker now has a personal war against her. Again is this real life? Things like this should only be in books and movies. But it happens, just like in the story of Arachne.  Arachne was better than Athena, but even when she proved this, Athena made a vendetta about it.
Well this was my attempt at linking my life to Ovid, and when I did I realized that myths aren’t that out there. Real life really is stranger than fiction 

Friday, April 12, 2013


When we were talking about the Ouroboros the other day in class, I couldn't help but think of one of my all time favorite book series, The Wheel of Time. This series references more myths and draws upon the mythological more than any other book series I know of. The motifs about the Bible, Hinduism, and even Ovid are countless. The symbol that represents this book series is a wheel that has a snake intertwined within it biting its own tail. The Ouroboros is mentioned countless times and is the symbol of one of the most important and wise groups within the series. The women who make up this group wear a ring that is a serpent that is biting its own tail to remind them that there is no beginning and no end. These women are supposed to symbolize the wisdom and agelessness of their group. Within in this series, people are constantly reincarnated due to everything being bound to a wheel and tapestry that depicts and decides everything that happens. The Ouroboros also represents recreation which is another reason why it is so prominent within this series. The great snake is what allows the world to survive and is what keeps time still flowing. It is probably one of the most important entities in this series. Snakes are one of the most important creatures in literature and are used as allusions to different myths throughout the world. It interests me to see the affect Ovid has had on writers. After I have read the metamorphoses, I now am very aware of the constant motifs towards Ovid's works.


These are the terms for the semester:
Mythos: Story
Mythology: The precedent behind all actions
In Ilo Tempore: In the great time.
Logos:The word. Truth, reason, and reality.
Anabasis: Ascending and descending
The Mythic Journey: Separation, initiation, return.
Psyche: Means Soul. (Was Cupid's girlfriend who was beautiful)
Sparagnos: Tear, pull to pieces or mangling.
Fairy Tale:Deteriorated myth
Axis Mundi: The center or connection between heaven and Earth. Celestial pole/geographic poles that expresses a point of connection between sky and earth where the 4 compass directions meet.
Etiological myths:Explains specific features in religions.
Apocalypse: The end. The lifting of the veil.
Eschatology: Concerns about last acts. The final events of end days.
Drominom: The Greek word for things being done.
Ritual:A set of actions performed for their symbolic value.
Mace Sacre: To make sacred or sacrifice.
Creation Myths: Ex Ni Halo: the creation out of nothingness. Earth Diver: Pulling life out of water. Division of a Primordial entity: The split between Heaven and Earth. Dismemberment of a Primordial entity: When life is made for the death of a god like entity.
Dytherambos:  Double doors, music. Associated with the god Baucus.
Caduseus: The medical symbol with a snake intertwined upon an oak staff.
Apotheosis: Glorification of a subject to a divine level.
Ouroboros: A snake biting its own tail. No beginning and no end.

Lindsey and me hugging a baby tree.

I forgot I had this picture.