Monday, February 11, 2013


Ever since I was a kid, I've always had the most bizarre dreams. Most of them are pretty weird, and I attribute that to my extensive imagination. There are even some dreams/nightmares that I can still recall vividly and it has been years since I had those particular dreams. For example, when I was young, I would have chronic nightmares of the same exact thing. The people I loved most and the people around me would be infected by a virus that would turn them into a hybrid of a zombie and a dementor. (This was before I had even heard of the Harry Potter series though.) I would watch in horror as people I knew would change from being human into a walking decayed corpse. (The imagery still give me the creeps and is really gross so I won't describe what they looked like.) I would try and flee from these creatures and try to find help, but everyone was one of those creatures, and by the end of the dream I would also be turned. This nightmare was one that I dreamt of almost every night when I was 5. I would also have other dreams too with themes of me being a princess, fighting dragons or other monsters, being a super hero, etc. I enjoy dreaming because I like to get out of my own reality which is probably why I have always loved reading. I love to wake up, tell my mom about my dreams and the two of us try and figure out what the heck was I thinking. It can be really funny. :)

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