Monday, February 11, 2013

Ancient Egyptian Creation Myth: Khepri Version

In the begining there was nothing but water. A chaotic and tumultuous force known as Nu or Nun. It is because of Nu that the world began. One day, Nu's waters reseded and from them stood a single hill, and from that area rose the scarab god Khepri (Who is sometimes known as a version of the sun god Ra) rose above the hill, creating the first sunrise from all of his glory. Now Khepri had within his heart, the desire to create all things and so it was him and him alone that created the world. Khepri would draw materials from Nu in order to make and shape this world. Khepri knew for a world to function there must must be law order and stabilty, thus he laid the land in the foundation of Maat taht stood for all of these principles. Now Khepri was the father of the gods Shu and Tefnut, the gods of the sky and moisture. He gave birth to them by expelling them from his mouth and left them within Nu. One day, Khepri decided to raise his children from the watery depths and brought them to him, and when they came to him, they presented him his lost eye, also known as the sun. At this, Khepri wept profusely and from his tears man emergered. And thus man was born. Now Khepri's eye was furious, she was angered that there were those that were higher than she. So Khepri took the sun and placed her high upon his brow so that no one could ever be above her. In her fury and wrath, she ravished the land, allowing it to become furtile. So Khepri was able to make plant life and animal life. In the meantime, Shu and Tefnut gave birth to Geb and Nut who in turn gave birth to Osiris, Isis, Seth, and Nephthys creating leadership and order within the world, and that is how the Earth was made.

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